Pakistani Clothes in Today

Mention the word Pakistan nowadays and many people around the world are uncertain of what it stands for. The 'War on Terror' has taken its toll and the victims have been not only innocent bystanders but also the reputation of a country that was borne out of one man's vision. That man was Muhammad Ali Jinnah and if he could see the troubled state of the nation he helped forge during the Partition of the Indian Subcontinent, he would no doubt be less than proud. To many Pakistanis living around the world, there are two major facets of the nation that does rally national unity and gives everyone something to smile about. One is cricket, the other is Pakistani clothes. People around the world have no doubt been exposed to Pakistani clothes wherever there are Pakistani populations. The Shalwar Kameez for example, which consists of a long shirt worn over baggy pants, is proudly worn out and about in the city and not restricted to the home or for special occasions only. Ri...